
"House of Cards" by Radiohead; directed by James Frost

An ingenious way of "seeing" which goes a long way to demonstrate the poverty of human-ocular vision - and perhaps, by extension, artforms that are strictly derived ocularly.

Also see additional information on the technology that the video work is based and the making of the video.

Link via lensculture.

Peter Greenaway

Peter Greenaway calls his latest creation a Last Supper 'for the laptop generation'

In his latest project, Peter Greenaway has grafted an aesthetic experience onto an iconic image and ends up saying something profounding new in the process. And not intending to stop as yet, Greenaway has plans to work with other great works of art - "Las Meninas by Velázquez, Picasso's Guernica, Monet's Waterlilies and a Jackson Pollock in New York". And the ultimate prize, Michelangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel.

Also article, images, interview, and blog post

Link via The Guardan.

Annie Wharton

"island", 2008 - acrylic and ink on mylar - 12" x 30"

"Bang!", 2007 - acrylic, urethane, pigment dispersions, and glitter on belgian linen with peripheral elements made of acrylic, urethane, pigment dispersions, and glitter on mylar - 30" x 42"

A refeshing dip into the depths of material playfulness.

Link via Artist A Day.

Susan Bein

Night Park 3

"I photograph verbs, light, questions."

Link via Lens Culture and 3 Quarks Daily.