Rebecca Warren

The Mechanic (Photograph: Linda Nylind/Guardian)

Part three-dimensional gestalt-ink-blob-test - then again, which artwork isn't - and part coprophilia-made-acceptable. Fascinating, nonetheless.

See Guardian Art reviews here and here; more images here.

Emil Alzamora

Ultima Thule, Ceramic, 23" x 23" x 6", 2007

A rare instance where the human form remains provocative through re-invention.

Link via Artist A Day.

Kenyan Women Photo Project

An update on JR's on going project "Women Are Heroes". See earlier post.

Link via lens culture.

Roni Horn aka Roni Horn

Things That Happen Again: For Two Rooms, 1986 (Photograph by Christian Sinibaldi)

Seemingly void of emotional content. yet speaking volumes of the contemporary Zeitgeist - formally, intellectually, irreverently.

Go to exhibition review, photos and artist panel discussion.

Link via The Guardian.